3 Quotes & Sayings By Barbara Freethy

Barbara Freethy is a best-selling author of more than 100 books, including the popular series The Redhead Series, The Body Shop Series, and the New York Times bestselling The Lavender Series. She is also an award-winning speaker and a popular radio talk show host with 14 years of experience on the air with KGO Radio in San Francisco. In 2005, she was named Best New Author by the Romance Writers of America. As a writer and entrepreneur, Freethy has been featured in national magazines such as USA Weekend, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, and Redbook Children's Living Read more

Her latest novel is "The Soul Mate: A Novel of Love and Marriage."

No, I stay for myself. Everything I need, everything I want, is here. I know it's not enough for most people, but it is for me. Every time I leave, even for an afternoon or an overnight trip to Seattle, I can't wait to get back. This is home. And I guess I'm a person who needs a home, a place to plant seeds and watch them grow. Barbara Freethy
I can't die yet, honey. I haven't finished counting the stars and don't you know, my darling girl, that you will never be alone, because there is always love, and love lives forever. Barbara Freethy